Our Services
Nauclerus Ltd. offers a wide variety of services: design, engineering, project supervision and consulting. We are capable to provide exceptional service at all given categories.
Design and engineering
Electrical documentation varies from one project to another. Production of electrical documentation is our core business and therefore we can deliver the whole package: initial, classification (basic) and workshop (detail) documentation. Starting from ideas and elaboration, through technical specifications, calculations, down to basic and detail engineering at final stage of project development.
Estimation of costs, labor, materials included and gear used in process of building a ship is a complex process. We are ready to provide these services as a part of full project development or as a separate service.
Supervision and commissioning
After all design work has been done it is time to install necessary equipment on board. This part of electrical project can be very demanding and tricky and needs to be done with proper attention and care. Therefore there is always a need for an experienced supervision of work. Assurance of quality and installation according to best shipbuilding practice is one of the keys to get your project carried out with all involved parties satisfied.